Blogger BlogNet79880

Landscaping Design


Landscaping design is the art of organizing or modifying the various features of the ground around a particular property to improve the area from an aesthetic and practical point of view. Certain elements of art are used in various combinations to alter design principles, like color, line, form, texture and scale.

In an effort to incorporate the perfect landscaping designs, it is imperative to remember certain principles. First is unity, which can be attained by the effective use of tools in a design to convey a main idea. Balance in a design is the equilibrium of visual attraction which is obtained with the use of different forms, colors and textures. A subtle gradual change in the form of color, textures or sizes, which adds life to a design, is called transition. The relative size of the parts of the design is proportion. For example, a four-foot pool would look unnatural in a large lawn but would fit wonderfully in a small private area. Rhythm is a feeling of motion created by the elements of a design to the eyes of the viewer. The repeated use of features in a design can cause repetition, which can lead to monotony unless used effectively. Lastly, simplicity is very important, as excessive designing can take away the essence of landscaping.

The game plan for landscape design is made up of certain steps, which if followed systematically and carefully can make the process a lot of fun. Before starting, a plot plan should be developed, after which a thorough site analysis should be conducted. Then the needs and desires should be assessed, keeping in mind the cost incurred. Finally, locating and designing the activity area starts, which is concluded by the selection and placement of plants.

Landscaping provides detailed information on Landscaping, Landscaping Contractors, Landscaping Ideas, Landscaping Design and more. Landscaping is affiliated with Free Landscape Designs.

Landscaping Wilmington

Promote Web Site With Reciprocal Links


What's Reciprocal Link

A reciprocal link is a mutual link between two objects, commonly between two websites to ensure mutual traffic. Since the inbound link is a very important factors when the search engines decide the ranking of a web site in the search results, a lot of webmasters use reciprocal links to build their inbound links. So, won't be surprised when seeing full of links in a "partners" or "resources" page in a web site.

There is a very special type of reciprocal link called as "3-way-linking" or "multi-way-linking", which works as "Site A" links to "Site B", "Site B" link to "Site C" and "Site C" links to "Site A".

How to Get Reciprocal Links

To get a reciprocal links is very simple and below are 2 very common methods

  • Join the link exchange web sites, and request the reciprocal link with some other web sites. There are many very famous link exchanges web site you can leverage, such as etc. Those web sites will also give you a functional to check whether your link has really been put in the other web site.
  • Second ways is to add a "Link Exchange" page in their own web sites, for those who have a visit to their web site, and have interests in the content of the web site, can request a link exchange, and build up a reciprocal links. Some web sites even build up a web site directory to store the web site they have reciprocal links with.

  • Is Reciprocal Link Still Effective

    2 Sites reciprocal linking is no longer effective and can actually accrue penalties toward your website(s.) Google and other Search Engines can very easily find these pages and discount them. But, that doesn't mean all reciprocal linking is ineffective!

    Google states on their "link schemes" page that "Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")" is in violation of their Webmaster guidelines. Notice the word "excessive" being used twice in there.

    This means that selective link exchanges between quality sites is not against their guidelines and and it still works! But if you have many web sites, please do avoid the methods like "Site A" point to "Site B", "Site C", "Site D", and "Site B" point to "Site A", "Site C", "Site D", etc. This will be very easily captured by Google and treated as "Excessive reciprocal links".

    What's the Most Effective Ways to Get High Quality Reciprocal Links

    There are 2 ways you can use:

  • The first methods is to use 3-way-linking or multi-way-linking described in above, and it's hard to be found by Google. If you have multiple web site, this is definitely the way you should use.
  • The second way is contextual link exchange. The word here is a little bit new. Let's me describe a little bit here. Instead of simply putting a link to the other web site, you can put the link within the article you have written for your web site. Links that appear within content are much more "natural" looking than sidebar and footer links. What's more, Google like contextual.

  • Successful Factors for Reciprocal Links

    So, how to make sure a successful reciprocal links campaigns when promoting a web site, below are some factors you should pay attention to:

  • Only exchanging the link with the relevant web site. If your sites is talking about web hosting, you have no need to exchange link with a web site talking about the game. Google will put a negative score to your site for those irrelevant links.
  • Content is the king of a web site, no matter how many reciprocal links you have made, if you cannot provide a good content to your read, all your effort will result in nothing.

  • Want to know more about web hosting, please refer to Webmaster Tutorials - Web Hosting Guide, Web Promotion, Domain Name, and Web Design from Top 10 Web Hosting - Reliable Affordable Web Hosting Review and Guide

    Ivy.Thai is the co-founder of, a free web hosting directory with only reliable web hosting companies and offering the visitors an easy way to find the right hosting plan for their needs.

    Feel free to contact Ivy.Thai at in case you have any questions or comments regarding this article.

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    Why Dedicated Hosting?


    If youre reading this article, you might be interested in getting a dedicated server, or simply learning more about dedicated hosting services.

    First of all, please note, that a dedicated server is rather expensive service, and you shouldnt waste your money if you dont plan to use it in full measure.

    But if you really have a serious website, and want to run a successful business - you cannot do it without a dedicated server.

    Of course its just mere words, so lets enumerate the facts!

    Freedom and security

    Dedicated server will give you a freedom. You will not need to share it with other websites. It will also give you additional 3rd party security for your site and emails. A dedicated server will allow you deep access to your server to configure and optimize your server anyway you need.
    Youre able to choose the software to install.

    Power and functionality

    With a dedicated server you get on average 50-100 Gb of hard drive, plus about 1,000 Gb of data transfer. You may customize the configuration and choose any CPU, RAM, or whatever you need. A dedicated server reduces your dependency on the web host; and bypasses time delays and possible expenses incurred from these.


    You simply CAN NOT run a popular website on a shared hosting. Its not serious.


    If your website turned into a popular and reliable resource; if you have tons of daily visitors; if you work B2B; if you need additional security and functionality, power and freedom - go ahead and buy a dedicated server. Dont be sorry about the money you spent! Think about the future!

    Olga Rose - owner of Dedicated Hosting Directory.

    Dedicated Hosting Directory offers you full information about dedicated hosting, plus the review of top dedicated servers.

    manifest a miracle

    Blogger BlogNet79880: Aug 21, 2008

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