Blogger BlogNet79880

Is Your Business Ready For an E-Business Component?


Do you have a traditional retail or wholesale shop that needs to grow, but for whatever reason never seems to break that barrier to the next level? Perhaps your business could benefit from being online and gaining internet sales as well. Registering your own domain name and building a website with an online shop may be the answer to your need to grow your business or take it to the next level.

You may have pursued various print or media marketing tools that have not eventuated in the growth you anticipated. You may have employed some other form of soft or hard marketing, which has too not brought you the business you hoped for. If the product or service you are 'selling' is one that can be sold via the internet, maybe it is time for you to launch this dimension. You only need to browse a search engine these days in your business field, and you will see that almost definitely you will already have competitors doing the very same thing.

Why limit yourself to only your local market, when you can target the whole country...or world?

You also have the benefit of using trackable marketing, knowing exactly where your money is being spent and whether you are getting a return on it?

There are various steps you will need to take in order to launch your e business component:

- You will need to register a domain name and setup a web hosting account.

- You will need to either build your own website (often, web hosting companies will offer free website builder software with your domain name registration and web hosting application), or if you are really serious about an online marketing campaign and can see the value, get one designed for you by a professional web designer.

- You will need a shopping cart to allow for your online customers to order from your catalogue, and you will need a secure payment gateway to ensure their personal and payment information is captured securely. Again, your web site hosting provider can provide you with all the necessary tools and information to get you going right away!

Daniela Payne is a web hosting researcher and works for New Sprout Hosting in Australia. For more information visit

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Blogger BlogNet79880: Nov 16, 2008

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