Blogger BlogNet79880

How to Select the Right SEO Blogging Software


In the last couple of years we have seen a steady increase in the number of blogs being placed on the internet. Although to some people blogging is a hobby, for others it is a very effective way of helping them to earn an income online. It is crucial, therefore, if you want your blog to be a success that you use the right kind of SEO blogging software.

The right software can, in fact, help to increase the position of your blog within search engines and which in turn will direct more traffic towards it. Therefore, you need to choose wisely when it comes to you selecting the ideal software to help improve the success that your blog will have.

Below we offer some advice on what you should be looking for to ensure that the SEO blogging software you choose is up to the job.

1. If you want your blog to have large amounts of traffic being directed towards it, then making sure that you have the right keywords in the legal spots is essential. So look for those software programs that make sure that you have the meta keywords in the titles of all the content on the blog and in the description. The more they are located throughout the pages of content, then the more likelihood of your blog being indexed much more quickly in the various online search engines.

Certainly having a higher page ranking on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN is going to help increase the chances of you getting traffic coming to your blog. The more visitors you have to your blog, then the more chances you have of making online money through the ads that you place on them.

2. A good SEO blogging software program is one that will help to ensure that those all important keywords you have in the titles on your blog are actually put into the URL as well. Even though Google does not see the keywords as important in the URLs, they are something that should not be neglected.

3. Once your blog becomes successful, visitors to it are likely to start posting their own comments and so leaving their own URLs. A good software program will be one that helps you to decide whether you share outgoing links or not in the posts.

Above we have shown you some of the things to be looking for when it comes to selecting the right SEO blogging software. Certainly if you want to see your blog succeed in competition with the hundreds of thousands that are already set up, then having the right keywords incorporated into the content of the pages is important. Plus, it is important that the content on your blog is unique and of the highest quality possible.

Get more important information and tips on blogging at and start learning how to become a more successful blogger.

Costa Rica Eye

This turned out to be one of my most popular articles and it was time for an updated version so here it is.

A blog is a frequent, online publication of comments, web links, rants and raves, hobbies, and news. It is an online Ezine of sorts lately I've noticed a trend of blogs coming into their own. Influencing political decisions and social issues, beating news services to breaking news and too much to list here.

People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with automated published systems, Millions of people use services such as, and others.

So start your blog now and be ahead of the crowd for a change. A secret I'll share with you here before going any further is after you set up your blog goto FeedBurner and signup. Then by inserting your url in the burn feed box on the front page and hit next. Why do you burn your feed?? Basically this will translate yout html so it can be read in a universal language of RSS. Don't worry that's all you need to know for now as the feeds do the rest from there.

Now that you've buned your feed comes the fun part. Goto publicize your feed and I recommend using Buzz Boost, Headline Animator and Ping Shot is most important. What this does once activated is send updated feeds to millions of blogs automatically. So when you make another blog entry the word is spead across the web at the same time which is very powerful. Towards the bottom of the page you can add 5 additional services I recommend feedster, bloglines, weblogs, snydic8 and ice rocket.

Next step is the chicklet chooser-these are little tabs you'll insert onto your blog. You can use as many or as few as you like but you must use Google and Yahoo. This is essential because now I'm going to reveal a amazing and powerful secret.

After you insert your chicklets and republish your blog view it and click on your google chicklet and add to your google. Then goto your yahoo chicklet and do the same. Now comes the most important step goto Yahoo and enter your blog url into the search box. It will probably say url unknown but it's ok underneath it'll say if this info is correct click here -DO SO. This technique will have your site spidered by search engines within 72 hrs there is no need to submit to search engines further.

I know it sounds complicated but if you can follow simple instructions and cut and paste it should only take a few minutes. Caution you must be familiar with HTML so as not to make mistakes. If you're not sure ask a friend or there are to find help or Tutorials. This info is for you if you're familiar with the web - if you're a newbie it'll take a bit longer to implement

Here are the reasons you should not ignore Blog advertising:

Remember when all search engines were free, and simply submitting your web sites got you listed quickly? Gone.

Then it was FFA pages, they brought in a ton of free traffic, built links to your site, and added to your mailing list like crazy. Tried one lately? Safelists were an online goldmine for a while... until bottom less email accounts were introduced.

Website sumbmissions now can take anywhere from 2 to 8 months to be indexed. While blogs and rss feeds can be indexed anywhere from 2-8 days which is better for you??

So once again I implore you to be one of the first in line and not be last again. This is the new trend just beginning to breakthrough. A few years or months from now you'll be able to sit back and smile as you watch the rest of the net stampeding to catch up.

Robert Hart
Affiliate marketer, Info Broker, Webinar Moderator, Author, Webmaster
Blogging Money

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Blogger BlogNet79880: Nov 3, 2008

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