Blogger BlogNet79880

Affordable Arizona Group Health Insurance


Arizona small businesses are feeling the crunch of the current economy and our national health care crisis. Many employers are unable to help their employees with a company health plan because of the soaring costs. This creates its own economic crisis because, without a viable benefit package, recruiting and retention creates a personnel problem. How can a small business create a benefit package on a shoe string budget?

Recent changes in Arizona law have created the opportunity for small business owners to offer a full blown benefit package to their employees without having to contribute financially.

The problem with group coverage is that it has become very expensive or even prohibitive for the average small business owner. They want to help their employees, but can they keep their doors open and take care of their employees' health care needs at the same time? The answer seems to be no for about 40 percent of Arizona residents whose employer does not offer any health plan at all.

Another big problem with traditional group health plans is portability. Because group plans are not portable, when an employee leaves a company they can not take the plan with them. They can opt to go on COBRA when they leave but for anyone one who has had the misfortune of accepting this coverage it is hugely expensive and ends in only 18 months.

Additionally, managing a traditional group health insurance plan is time consuming for the small business owners. Not only do they have the burden of their portion of the premium, they must become their own benefits coordinator or at an additional expense, hire an H.R. person.

The answer to these and many other group insurance problems is voluntary benefits.

Voluntary benefits are a total paradigm shift in the human resource equation. A total voluntary benefits package lifts the financial and management burden from the employer.

All the owner is required to do is to payroll deduct the insurance premium of the employee each month and remit one consolidated payment to the insurance company.

The employee still enjoys the benefits of the coverage and the advantage of payroll deduction. The insurance agent becomes the benefits coordinator and assists both the employees and the employer with their respective health benefits needs.

It is a solution for those small businesses that can not offer benefits to their employees because the costs are prohibitive.

Paul has been specializing in affordable Arizona Health Life & Long Term Care insurance for his Arizona clients since 1991. For more information please visit my blog at

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Insurance Basics Part III - Types


Why Do I Need Life Insurance?

You need Life Insurance because typically the need for income continues for those who are financially dependent on you, but there is no guarantee of your ability to earn consistently and for the rest of your life. Life insurance can help you safeguard the financial needs of your family.

This need has become even more important due to steady disintegration of the prevalent joint family system, and emergence of nuclear families. The need to protect your family's ever growing needs is why you need Life Insurance.

Life insurance is designed to protect you and your family against financial uncertainties that may result due to unfortunate demise or illness. You can also view it as a comprehensive financial instrument - as a part of your financial planning offering you savings & investment facilities along with cover against financial loss. By choosing the right policy as per your needs i.e. customized solutions, you will be able to plan for a secure future for yourself and your loved ones.


Market linked insurance plans invest the premium in to the equity, debt and cash markets by the way of allocating units, which like any other mutual fund have a NAV and the customer is free to switch between one fund class to another depending on the risk factor he wishes to be in.

ULIPs offer -

1) Better return than the traditional endowment plans and

2) Offer a great deal of flexibility along with great returns making them the finest product offering.

ULIP products can range from single premium to a regular premium option along with investment funds ranging from index funds to mid-cap funds and debt market linked funds.

a) Regular Premium

Unit Linked Single Premium Plans require the premium to be paid at the interval agreed on the application.

b) Single Premium

Unit Linked Single Premium Plans require the premium to be paid only once.


Retirement Plans which will make sure that we are there to support you in every stage of your life and your savings today become your wealth and support for your future years to come. Plans help you secure your financial independence even after retirement.

a) Annuity

Annuity is an insurance scheme under which an insurance company promises to make a series of fixed periodic payments to a person in exchange for a premium or a series of premiums called the purchase price.

b) Retirement

Retirement is the beginning of the twilight of the journey of life when you have done all that you could to arrive at this point of time, and now left with time to reflect back on what was, and also what is to come. Our retirement plans help you to retire with laughter lines - not worry lines.


Saving Plans, which offer bonuses, are excellent long term saving instruments with complete safety. Our products offer additional benefits which include 4 times life cover at little extra costs, limited premium payment terms and compounded reversionary bonuses making it a very good long term investment.

a) Endowment

Life insurance cover with a savings component. Apart from death benefit, a predetermined sum is paid at the end of a specified term. A plan in which the amount is paid to a policyholder if he outlives the tenure of the contract or to the beneficiary if the insured person dies before the date on which the policy matures.

b) Money Back

A plan in which part of the sum assured is paid back to the policyholder at regular intervals.

Money back plans are Traditional Insurance plans that provide the investor with returns at regular stages of life.


A type of life insurance where the sum assured is payable only in the event of death of the life insured during the specified term. In the case of survival, the contract expires and the premium is not paid back to the insured.

The sole objective of Term plans is to serve the protection needs of the customers and by doing so, safeguard one's family from the financial implications of unfortunate circumstances that one cannot foresee. These plans are pure risk cover plans with or without maturity benefit. These pure risk plans cover your life at a nominal cost and you may want to take this plan to cover your outstanding debts like a mortgage, a home loan etc.


As a parent, you always dream the best for your child including marriage, higher education, or that hand holding for a start in life. Whether you are there to see your child grow up and settled or not, your child feels your love in the financial support arranged by you through our wide range of Children's insurance policies taking him from one milestone to another.

Saving early and saving regularly for your child helps combat inflation and ensures higher yields. If you take an insurance policy for your child you can take advantage of lower premium rates and ensure that your children remain covered throughout adult hood, at a much lower rate. This also instills a saving-habit in your children at a young age developing them as and when the policy vests in them.

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Who is Blair Singer?

Blair is the author of two best selling books: SalesDogs - You don't have to be an attack dog to be successful in sales, and the ABC's of How to Build a Business Team that Wins. He founded and now runs an international training that delivers guaranteed success strategies.

People have a view to let their income determine their lifestyle. That's a stupid point of view. You let your lifestyle determine your income. The whole idea is to generate the income that is required to sustain your desired lifestyle.

If you want more income >>> sell more.

Learning requires energy. Selling requires energy.
If you encounter two people, who is going to end up selling more?
The person with more energy.

How do you make money?

You need to understand the four quadrants of income generation. They are:

1. Employee

2. Business Owner

3. Investor

4. Self-Employed

Most wealth in the world is generated in the business segment. The second best income generation quadrant is as an investor.

There are two secret weapons that I am going to touch on:

What is the first secret weapon? Your brain.

The secret is to get in touch with your subconscious and you need to learn to control your inner voice. This is also often called the "little voice in your head." The goal to breakthrough results is LVMS.

LVMS = Little Voice Management System

The number one block to learning is when you say:

* I already know that

* That won't work here

* Show me something new

Rich people always say... there is something here to learn... what can I get out of this that may help me get to the next level. The little voice is exactly what is holding YOU (and ME too) back!

Little voice management systems: celebrate every little success!
Remember: The highest energy wins! Elevate your energy level to become more successful.
How to create a successful business or turn your business around:

A) SELL - You must sell to generate income

B) TEAM - You must build a team and get everyone on your team to learn how to sell

C) TEACH - Teach other people how to grow into a great team and how to sell

* Why do you have to teach it? Because nobody else might have taught how to sell and how to cooperate and work effectively in a team

D) SYSTEMS - You must have good system. Selling systems and training systems in particular

What Blair Singer is saying is completely true and every company should start emphasizing both TEACHING and SELLING. When you do this, you will start to see transformation.

Why does it take so long to start focusing on SELLING and TEACHING?

Because people are too busy running the business vs. working on the business. That is a sorry excuse and fortunately most people do start to take massive action after a while. A lot more needs to be done but the energy has never been higher.

What is the second secret weapon?

Code of Honor

The code of honor is a set of rules on how you treat each other on the team. Even if you have guiding operating principles for your company, you should also have a code of honor written down very clearly.

The priorities in a business should be:

1. Purpose

2. Team

3. Individual

In most companies it is the opposite. People ask "what's in it for me, then help others on the team, and think the purpose is just something written down on a business card." It is very important to change the belief system in the company and have a clearly articulated purpose.

The problem with sales is that most people think it is dirty. There are so many negative associations that have been established over the years that it is hard to overcome. But it MUST be overcome. The only way to succeed in business is to sell!

In order to sell, you need to find out what kind of sales person you are and as soon as you know what type of sales person you are, you need to learn to play to your strengths. I have never met someone that was wealthy that did not do what they were naturally good at. Trying to do something that you are not naturally good at is devastating!

The system is very simple. All you need are the above ingredients. If you want transformation, then one of the most important areas to start with is the code of honor.

What is the hardest sale to make?

It is to sell yourself! It is to train your little voice. How many times has your little voice stopped you from exercising, taking action, etc.? If you can't even control your little voice in the head to make it out to the gym, then you stand little chance to make any money.

The first step to be good at sales is to be able to confront (be comfortable in front of) another person.

Sales objections

Why do you usually only come up with a great answer after 10 minutes? Because your brain disengages with your tongue. When your emotions go up your intelligence goes down!

How would you like to train your little voice to keep the emotions down no matter what? How would you like to never be afraid and intimidated again?

The first thing you do when you get an objection is to acknowledge it. The first thing you say is thank you. The second thing you say is to ask a question. The person that asks the questions is always in control.

The distance between where you are vs. where you want to be is the distance between your ears. It's all in your mind and all you need is a mind shift!

In order to make more money, you have to play a bigger game. The problem is that for most people, they can't get much bigger. Why?

(People squared - People) / 2 = Relationships

The only way to grow is to build more relationships. You cannot sell more if you do not have more relationships (i.e. prospects).

A business is about the "content" and the "context."

If you don't have a code of honor, then you can't go up the ladder. If someone breaks the code, you have to call them out on it right away. You have to start with a tight ship (that's the purpose, team, and honor code). Every single time they have turned around a business this is where Blair Singer starts.

Making a lot of money does not take intelligence. It takes stamina and guts.

Power and Abundance

The goal is to get to power. A business starts as "invisible." This is also where you start out personally. The next level is "emergence." After "emergence" you enter a state of "chaos." After "chaos" you end up with "stability."

* Power

* Abundance - retire debt

* Stability

* Chaos

* Emergence - acquire debt

* Invisible

What is the formula to evolve out of emergence? This is the level at which you spend and invest and sometimes even incur debt to get sell.

Here is the formula for success: You serve first!

This is where you start. After that, you start spending in order to sell. Chaos is really the same as emergence that has gone on too long.

The formula for getting out of chaos is to put in some systems! If there are no systems, then you are always going to be on call. You also need to be able to manage. To get out of chaos, you also must be able to focus. At the same time, however, I would argue that this does not mean that you can only pursue one project.

What happens at stability? Complacency and boredom sits in. At this point they often try something dramatic. When you get to stability you need to put quality control into place. Without systems, however, there is no quality control. What happens at abundance? You retire debt and invest.

When you get to power, you try to replicate your success. The problem is that far too many small businesses try to replicate their success before they have moved up the entire ladder. Blair Singer says that this is the exact systems they use to rapidly turn around businesses and they have done this thousands of times over the past 20 years.

What shape is your business really in?

Yes, many small business are doing a lot of the right things and putting lots of systems in place but have not yet moved fully to a state of stability. Part of this is probably due to the fact that they start to focus on replicating their success a couple of times before they ever got to a state of stability and abundance.

Blair said that the #1 mistake he sees lots of small businesses making is being in a state of "emergence" for too long, which basically means that they are in a state of "chaos". It's time to get from chaos, to stability, to abundance, to power and you must start by putting the right systems and training into place and focus on sales.

Most importantly, start focusing on back-end sales and for-ever sales (remember FeBeNe) because that is the fastest way to boost profits and reach a much more stable level of performance.

Live blogging from National Achievers Congress in Kuala Lumpur.

And, now I would like to invite you to visit our internet marketing blog where we test, synthesize and share the latest internet marketing tactics and strategies to help you better run your online business. You can get a lot more useful information here

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Blogger BlogNet79880: Oct 8, 2008

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