Many people who start a home based Internet marketing business soon grow weary and frustrated--they don't make money! They are working very hard, yet sales are close to zero! No matter what they try, these Internet marketers cannot seem to make the right adjustments to their plans or strategies.
And these people who dream of a profitable home based Internet marketing business become yet more frustrated as their dream seems to turn to dust right before their eyes. They aren't able to "fire their boss" and quit their hated j-o-b. They aren't bringing in profits in their sleep. They don't have extra free time for themselves and their family. They feel no sense of accomplishment. They are still trapped in their morning and afternoon commute through heavy traffic, burning up a lot of money on gasoline. It's no wonder that sooner or later they quit, and give up on their dream.
Or, is it?
The fact of the matter is they didn't make money because, although they did not plan to fail, they did fail to plan. And when you decide to start your own business, you cannot fail to plan--or, you will fail to make money, and go out of business almost before you get started in business. This goes for a home based Internet marketing business just like any other business.
Building a successful Internet marketing business requires you to have a good foundation right from the start. As the Zen Masters say, "Do things now while they are easy." You need to have a business plan, you need to execute that plan, you need to have a product that people are going to be willing to pay money for, you need to do effective online marketing of your business, and so on and so forth.
Correctly formulating or acquiring all of these things requires research. Search the Internet to see what things people are buying a lot of through affiliate Internet marketing. Look up affiliate marketers and Internet entrepreneurs to see what they sell and how they sell it. Base what you do on what is already being shown to work and make money.
So, if you find yourself frustrated and failing to make money with your home based Internet marketing business, what must you do? You must go back to the basics. Ask yourself if you have done everything to get the foundation for your Internet marketing business built. What did you forget or neglect? Is there a weak spot in your business? Where is your business weakest? Is it in getting traffic in the first place? Is it in getting click-throughs? Success on the Internet is all about working smarter, not harder. While you do need to be disciplined, if you're working too hard you're not doing something right.
To your internet marketing success!
Interesting in learning more about this topic? Download my free ebook on internet marketing.
Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, author, writer, business consultant and trainer.
0800 NumberEzine marketing does work, but like most advertising methods, most of them don't generate amazing results. The key is to find the good ones.
There's some criteria I look at when I want to determine whether an ezine might be worth advertising in:
1) Number of subscribers
See if the number of subscribers is substantial. Responsiveness is important. Numbers are as well. I usually take the responsiveness of any ezine to be 3 times lower than my own list, since many ezines are often flooded with ads on a daily or weekly basis. Also, most of the ezine owners frankly don't know how to market that well, that's partly why they are selling their list out to other people to advertise in.
So if I usually get 5%-10% clickthroughs for my own list, I must assume a 1%-3% clickthrough for the ezine in the best case scenario (worst case scenario - 0.01% type of response)
Then you can estimate how many clicks you can get by doing this.
2) Quality of list
Subscribe to the ezine list to see how the ezine owner manages it. Does he send emails/solo ads everyday? Does it *look* like a quality ezine?
3) Alexa rank
It's not the most accurate of measurements, but it will suffice. If an ezine claims it has xxxx number of subscribers, it should have at least a decent Alexa rank. If the Alexa rank is poor, more likely than not it can't back up it's claims. Do note though that some people do cheat the Alexa rank, though it's the minority.
Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:
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Web Marketing