Blogger BlogNet79880

Automatic Blog News Updates With Industrious Marketing


Whether you have been marketing for a while or not, successful or not, you have probably heard that the money is in the list.

You have most likely heard that you need to automate with autoresponders and get traffic using the seo power blogs.

The question is, how do you do all of this so that is doesn't take up a whole lot of time and once set up, runs pretty much on its own.

The following is how I do it and is a suggestion of how you can do this too.

First you need three things:

1. A list

2. A blog

3. An autoresponder

How to get a list

You can start building a list simply by joining giveaway events as a contributor and setting up a free gift and a squeeze page. A squeeze page is simply a regular html page with a brief description of what you are offering and an autoresponder sign up form embedded in the page. A good place to find out about upcoming giveaway events are and

Setting up your Blog

You can easily set up a free blog either with Wordpress or Blogger, depending on your needs for functionality. You need a blog versus a regular html page because of the built in RSS feed. If you don't like blogs, you can set up a CMS site as long as it has an RSS feed built in. You should post to your blog on an average of at least three days. You can also automate this task but more on that in a bit.

Setting up your autoresponder

Your autoresponder is the coup de-grace of this plan because you can set it up with as many messages as you choose to send to your list and with a good autoresponder service like Aweber, you can include your blogs RSS feed to send your posts to your list when they are made.

The last recommended thing to do to further automate your autoresponder and blog posts sent to your list is to write advance blog posts and time stamp them for future posting dates.

There you have it! A simple yet effective way to grow your list through autoresponders and squeeze pages and an even simpler method of delivering your messages and blog content to the list you will be growing.

Andrew Witherspoon - The Industrious Marketer is an expert infopreneur and internet marketer who believes that success is measured by the obstacles you overcome while trying to succeed. Visit for more information on automating your blog updates.


When internet web site owners devise a blog design solution for their online marketing schemes, they often disregard a lesser known avenue for producing the kind of results that bring enthusiastic visitors. Blogging on places such as MySpace, Facebook, and Craigslist can provide a continuous stream of happy customers that you have specifically targeted. The most popular and well known blogging sites Wordpress and Blogger will obviously yield a vast number of potential customers, but the likelihood of them being as focused as the aforementioned clientele is not a forgone conclusion. Most statistical internet analyses indicates that blogging sections on MySpace, Facebook, and Craigslist contribute a much more qualitative base of visitors to a uniquely targeted web site.

Having a blog design solution that is practical and personable is certainly one part of the internet marketing arsenal for all web site owners. Indeed, any successful online business employs the use of a blog. Craigslist is one such place where a blog design solution actually works to direct designated individuals to your web site. Craigslist was created by a person (yes, his real name is Craig) who sought to provide a social gathering place on the internet for anyone who seeks to find like minded friends and acquaintances of various interests. By having at least one or more entries each day on your blog, Craigslist members who have an interest in your site will flock to your business in countless volumes. Blogging at similar sites like MySpace and Facebook offer similar advantages.

Another online blogging community that has been recently established is located at Photobucket and it's quickly becoming a popular destination for internet surfers. A photobucket blog is an exciting untapped resource for internet marketers who wish to position themselves in a niche that has little or no competition. Any successful blog design solution will endeavor to utilize strategies that are aimed at a particularized segment of customers, especially when there is limited or no direct competition. Photobucket offers this distinct advantage as web site owners constantly yearn for and seek out more visitors.

One additional benefit that these various blogging sites offer involves a monetary objective. Controlling the budget is always a consideration and blogging at these sites costs absolutely nothing.

Having a blog at Photobucket, Craigslist, MySpace, or Facebook will bring quality traffic to your site. Make this strategy a part of your web site blog design solution and reap the benefits of visitors who are searching for a site just like the one that you are providing.

About the author: Ken Stevenson is a charter member of IMInsider. For more information on using a blog, Craigslist style, visit IMInsider where you'll find step-by-step video training for anyone interested in starting or growing an online business.

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How Do I Start Blogging?


Do you want to begin blogging? You will be able to express your own opinions and share information with the world on your own blog. There are many free sites that you can start your blog on, so how do you start blogging?

Blogging is not a difficult task and anybody with a little bit of computer knowledge and writing skill can start blogging. Basically you will be going to one of many free blogging sites, which we will discuss shortly, signing up, and beginning to blog. It really is that easy and anybody with some computer skills and an opinion can start a blog this easily.

Once you have signed up for whichever site you decide to open your new blog with, you will want to read the help section for the site and start clicking around the site. There is usually a dashboard where you can manage your entire blog, a write a post section where you can write a post, and usually other sections that will help you with the design of your blog and with any add ons you might decide you want.

The next thing you need to know about blogging is that you need to ping your blog. Some of the free blogging sites will ping your blog for you, but some won't. You can ping your blog for free with numerous pinging sites that are out there. This is important because it gets your blog in front of readers and that is the entire point of blogging.

So, where can you start your blog? is very popular. It is free and has a few dozen design choices. This is a good site that will work for most bloggers. Wordpress is probably the most popular and is one of the favorites. You can also start a blog on Myspace or many other social networks. There are many free options for your new blog and you should check them out in order to find the one that fits your needs.

In short, to start blogging you need to sign up for a free blog site, poke around a bit and read the help sections, pick a subject and design, and start writing whatever it is you please. Make sure if you plan to discuss adult issues or anything that is highly controversial, then you should read the blogging sites terms in conditions in order to make sure your blog will comply with them.

Read more about Blogging Here:

Affiliate Marketing and Blogging for Money Blog, Go Here

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Blogger BlogNet79880: Dec 3, 2008

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