Blogger BlogNet79880

Monetizing Your Blog

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Many a blogger today are smiling to the bank because of the way the trade in blogging has gone, it is one of the cheapest things to set up on the internet and for those who know they will readily move up on it and cash in on the cash cow called blog.

Now how do you monetize your blog for dollars?

Many Weblogs today are running head to head with themselves and looking for that tiny little space to place what today has become the bed rock of blogging adverts. With adverts lining your blog you find people wanting to click away on your blog, the kind of adverts that appear on your blog page, attracts the kind of money you hope to make from your blog, adverts that carry big time company logo's like coca cola etc are been rushed by people and to think that the spaces are small, then imagine the competition involved for such little spaces.

Also you can monetize your blog when you get little or no competition from your area of specialization, everyone in that niche market see you as the guru and then the big guns come calling, what do you do than to sell off your blog and build another one that will replace the one you just off loaded. Many lazy internet watchers are on the lookout for such blogs where the owners are offered large sums of money to sell off there blogs

So if you have a niche area that you are very good at why not make a show of it by looking for traffic to visit your site the more traffic that your blog gets the higher your chances of reaping it off.

Either you are a blogger or newbie in blogging, you can always make money with your blog. check out our review of John Yeo's bloggers paycheck You will learn making money from your blog with step by step approach.

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