Blogger BlogNet79880

Blog and Ping: The Basics!


The buzz words on the internet at the moment are Blogging and Pinging and according to the internet gurus we should all be looking at these as the must have system to be attracting visitors to our site and consequentially making revenue.

At first glance you may be forgiven for thinking that this is a new comedic duo just bursting on the entertainment scene, but seriously what is Blogging and Pinging and how will it help us to become a viable internet site owner and if indeed an internet marketer, make a serious income online.

Put in its most simplistic terms a Blog is an online discussion web site that allows both you the web owner and your visitors to voice their opinion on a specific subject. When starting a Blog I would suggest that you aim at providing information and commenting on a targeted niche subject rather than a generalised matter. For instance rather than run a Blog on dogs why not specialise on Welsh Corgis or some other breed. This will be of interest to Welsh Corgi owners and will result in your blog acquiring a steady flow of targeted and interested visitors.

Pinging, is in effect a method of informing the Blog community at large that your Blog site is in existence and with most Blog software a device that alerts this Blog community when a new post or comment has been made.

If you are interested in starting a Blog there are many companies that will provide you with a fairly easy solution to get started and one of the major players is, also if you are interested in putting the Blog software on your own server and running it independently I have found Wordpress to be excellent software and this can be downloaded at

So happy Blogging and Pinging to you all.

Terry Till

7 Great Tips To Improve Your Traffic Generation


Blogger BlogNet79880: Jul 31, 2008

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