What is the difference between online article writing and blogging? Well, often they are so similar that you can hardly tell the difference between blog posts and articles. Of course, blog posts have much more leeway, and can be any length; anything from two-three lines of poetry to a video clip, while online articles are generally over 250 words or more in length.
So, when comparing these two forms of communication it should be noted that Blogging has a greater range of possibilities. But it also has a different target reader too. Some say blogging is a superior communication tool, as it invites greater interaction with the reader, Internet Surfer or blog subscriber. Also, bloggers often enjoy a larger social networks and communities online, making it a more personal experience for the writer or blog author.
Indeed, someone who writes articles on a given topic can use such content on a blog and many online article authors do just that. But in reality online articles are not always suited for blogs because if they are longer than 300 words they generally are met with a click-out from the site by the reader more often than not. Billy Joel had a song you might recall; I Am The Entertainer. One of the lines in that song was; "If you wanna have a hit, you have to make it quick, so I cut it down to 2:05"
Online articles that are short and sweet can make good blog posts, but only if. And Blogging allows for much more leeway in the types of posts, unlike online articles do. Additionally, blogging works best with more conversational posts, as it is more of a communication medium, so please consider all this as you assess the differences.
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