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Landscaping Design

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Landscaping design is the art of organizing or modifying the various features of the ground around a particular property to improve the area from an aesthetic and practical point of view. Certain elements of art are used in various combinations to alter design principles, like color, line, form, texture and scale.

In an effort to incorporate the perfect landscaping designs, it is imperative to remember certain principles. First is unity, which can be attained by the effective use of tools in a design to convey a main idea. Balance in a design is the equilibrium of visual attraction which is obtained with the use of different forms, colors and textures. A subtle gradual change in the form of color, textures or sizes, which adds life to a design, is called transition. The relative size of the parts of the design is proportion. For example, a four-foot pool would look unnatural in a large lawn but would fit wonderfully in a small private area. Rhythm is a feeling of motion created by the elements of a design to the eyes of the viewer. The repeated use of features in a design can cause repetition, which can lead to monotony unless used effectively. Lastly, simplicity is very important, as excessive designing can take away the essence of landscaping.

The game plan for landscape design is made up of certain steps, which if followed systematically and carefully can make the process a lot of fun. Before starting, a plot plan should be developed, after which a thorough site analysis should be conducted. Then the needs and desires should be assessed, keeping in mind the cost incurred. Finally, locating and designing the activity area starts, which is concluded by the selection and placement of plants.

Landscaping provides detailed information on Landscaping, Landscaping Contractors, Landscaping Ideas, Landscaping Design and more. Landscaping is affiliated with Free Landscape Designs.

Landscaping Wilmington

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