Blogger BlogNet79880

How to Get an American Passport Without Leaving Your New York City Desk


Life plans can change in a New York minute. One minute you're at work planning a late supper with your kids, and the next minute a travel order falls across your desk. Instead of mentally preparing a dinner menu, you find yourself scrambling to make last-minute international travel arrangements. Between board meetings, teleconferences and piles of paperwork, the last thing you have time to do is leave the office to renew a passport. Fortunately for the busy executive, you can get an American passport in NYC without leaving your desk.

Filling out an online passport application saves the time and trouble of going in person and waiting in line at a passport processing agency. All types of expedited passport applications can be accessed via the web, including 24 hr passports/renewals and 2 day passport/passport renewals as long as you still have your old passport, it was issued to you at age 16 or older and within the past 15 years, and is in good condition. The steps are simple:

1) Fill out an online US passport renewal application. Make sure that all blanks are filled out. Any omission of information will cause extra delays in getting your application processed.

2) Provide all of the necessary documentation. You must supply your old passport. If your name has changed since your last passport was issued, you must also supply documentation to support the name change. This includes a marriage certificate or legal name-change certificate. You must also supply two passport regulation photos. These can be obtained quickly at almost any photo processing outlet. All documentation must be original; photocopied documents are not accepted.

3) Ship all of your documentation to the address provided to you by the online passport application processing agency. Often shipping is included in the cost of your online application. Otherwise, make sure you choose a reliable carrier and purchase shipping insurance. These documents are costly and difficult to replace so it's worth the small price of insurance to protect yourself from financial loss and identity theft. Once your application has been processed and approved, your documentation will be returned to you in like manner.

If you need to obtain an emergency visa application, add visa pages to a passport or add passport pages overnight in New York, you can also do so via the web. Again, you'll need to provide your old passport, plus a name-change certificate if applicable.

Your cost depends on how quickly you need your passport. No doubt it gives you peace of mind to know that adding passport rush in NYC from your desk is possible. No need to cancel those important meetings. You might even still be able to catch dinner with the kids before grabbing that flight abroad.

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Blogger BlogNet79880: Aug 20, 2008

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