Blogger BlogNet79880

10 Ways To Good Health

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Not everyone is blessed to have the perfect body and if you consider the statistics, over 50% of the world's population is obese. With the amount of processed meat, packaged vegetables and canned goods, it's no wonder that our bodies are filled with junk and chemicals.

Because our bodies are so saturated with unhealthy fats, sugars and everything else, it's compulsory to detoxify our systems at least once a year. The ideal way is to cleanse your body by following a nutritionally sufficient diet, supplements and lifestyle changes. Detoxifying your body will restore your heart, kidney and liver functions and give the "breath of fresh air" they need. It will also give your metabolism a lasting boost, increasing your calorie burning capacity and in turn, helping you lose the ungainly fat and maintain good health.

Here are a few ways to keep your bio system clean and efficient throughout your life.

1. Eat as much fiber as you can, which includes organic fruits and vegetables and brown rice. Some ideal detoxifying foods include cabbage, seaweed, beets, artichokes, broccoli and radishes.

2. Drink green tea often and replace your general sodas and fizzy drinks with dandelion root, milk thistle and burdock herbal drinks.

3. Supplement your daily diet with vitamin C, which helps to produce glutathione, a compound found in the liver for eliminating toxins.

4. Never forget the rule of thumb - drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

5. Breath right - expand your stomach when you inhale and contract it when you exhale.

6. Practice positive emotions and reduce stress by finding something to laugh about.

7. Hydrotherapy - take a hot shower for 5 minutes and follow-up with a cold shower for 30 seconds. Repeat it thrice and then rest or take a nap for 30 minutes.

8. Spend at least 30 minutes in a sauna once a week to let toxins run out through sweat.

9. Dry brush, use cleansing cosmetics and steam to remove toxins from your skin pores. A good example is the regular facial cleansing done in beauty therapy parlors.

10. Exercise often, at least 30 minutes every day. If your primary concern is losing weight, you should try exercises such as sprinting, swimming and cycling.

Shanki de Silva is a professional freelance copywriter specialising in web content, articles, blogs, brochures and PR material. Visit WriteWords for more information and resources on copy writing.

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