Blogger BlogNet79880

Water Powered Cars - Facts

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With all the hype coming out about Water Powered Cars it is important to know what the facts really are. Over the years we've all become used to the idea of rising gas prices. "What else can I do?" we ask ourselves, "sure it would be nice to buy a hybrid car or convert to an alternative fuel, but it will cost thousands of dollars and I'm trying to save money!" The idea of conversion that only costs roughly $60-$100 in parts and uses water (which is absolutely free) sounds unbelievable.

Unbelievable as it might be, it's absolutely true. The technology isn't new, HHO gas (Oxyhydrogen) has been used for years for high intensity torches which burn at roughly 1800 degrees. Water powered cars run on a simple principal, when electrolysis is applied to H2O (water) it converts it into HHO Gas. The gas is then fed into the vehicles intake system where it displaces some of the fossil fuels in the cylinders.

This use of HHO Gas will greatly improve your vehicles efficiency and mileage. You will find the engine burns cleaner and quieter and is always cool. On top of all that it will reduce the wear and tear on your vehicles and clear out and carbon deposits.

These are the facts about water powered cars. Many of us, even when faced with the facts, refuse to let go of what we are used to. Oil is all we've ever known and sometimes it almost feels like we have some ridiculous loyalty to it. Whether we like it or not, water powered cars are now a reality.

Using water as fuel can be a big decision and usually our first concern is the warranty on our car. Visit and get a BONUS 7 day E-course and 27 page Special Report on protecting your Warranty FREE!

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