A cottage garden is beautiful but it takes a lot of hard work and planning to end up with your dream garden. It is perhaps the very best option for anyone who enjoys a romantic looking garden and is willing to implement all of the cottage garden components and landscaping techniques in order to achieve the end result. Cottage gardens originally implemented some creative planting techniques in order to plant as many edible plants as possible in a very small area. However, cottage gardens were used not only to grow food but also for decoration because gardeners wanted to have a beautiful area. The result of edible plants and decorative plants combined resulted in the beautiful cottage garden we love today.
If you are interested in planting a cottage garden of your own you can do so easily if you simply have a plan and follow your plan. You must consider what components are used in a cottage garden and how you can implement them. Things like paths made of interlocking pavers and walls made of vinyl fencing should all be made to appear as if they are just as old as the cottage. Otherwise it will be in distinct contrast to the cottage and your garden will not have that romantic feel. A rustic look is very important when it comes to cottage gardens.
Lots of people have cottages that are recently constructed but made to look rustic and older. So, if you are creating a new cottage garden make sure the materials you use complement your cottage and blend in with the surroundings. When creating paths in your cottage garden use materials like local stones, cobbles, red brick, gravel, paving slabs, gravel, and other materials.
Now, consider how old you want your garden to appear. Just because you are planting a cottage garden today does not mean that it has to look new. Instead you can use colors and plants to bring out an old fashioned look in your garden. There are lots of books and websites you can use as resources that will help you make your cottage garden look many years older than it really is. Some of the plants that are really perfect for a cottage garden include delphiniums, roses, honesty, geraniums, alius, peonies, carrots, buddleia, ornamental cabbage, corn, herbs like parsley, thyme, chives, dill, rosemary, and catmint.
There are a lot of other components of cottage gardens and one of the most important ones is to plant miniature hedges around the different sections of the garden so that no matter what time of year it is the garden will look beautiful.
Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. You must consider what components are used in a cottage garden and how you can implement them. Things like paths made of interlocking pavers, laws with Aspen trees and walls made of vinyl fencing should all be made to appear as if they are just as old as the cottage. Otherwise it will be in distinct contrast to the cottage and your garden will not have that romantic feel. A rustic look is very important when it comes to cottage gardens.
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