Blogger BlogNet79880

How to Earn Or Make Money Online With Articles

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When I first heard this money making idea about 5 years ago I dismissed it as just another bad way to make money. A year ago I was recommended by an internet friend to try it out as he was finding a lot of success with articles and writing. So I started writing articles and found out that he was right. If you have never come across this way to earn or make money online let me enlighten you.

What is an article?

An article is a 300 = 700 word piece of writing on a very specific topic. It has to be well written and full of good content. It also has to include keywords that people are typing into the search engines. You may not have realised it but you are actually reading an article right now. The topic and my keyword are in the title at the top.

What to do with your articles.

You place your articles on directories for people to read. The largest of these is although there are quite a few other very good article directories around. You can sign up for free and get writing.

How to make money with articles.

This is the clever part. At the bottom of your article and sometimes in the main content you are allowed 2 or 3 links to your website. What you are hoping is that the reader of the article will find what you have written of value and will click through to your website to find out more. You can see my links at the bottom of this page. As well as giving you some good information in this writing I hope that you will click on my link.

Once you click to the website you will find more relevant information and find things that you could be interested in purchasing

You can learn more about how to create an online business without money by visiting our make free online money blog which is also a free blog. You will find 3 more ways there to make money online.

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