Blogger BlogNet79880

How to Make Money Through Blogging

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Here's a tip, content, content and more content! Find a subject that you love so much about or find a niche even if you don't know anything about it. The net is a wealth of information, just research anything about that niche and write informative things about it. Make sure you posts in your blog subject 2 or 3 times a week at least. If you don't know anything about writing, you can buy PLR on your subject matter and you can copy and paste it to your blog or spin the words to make sure that your content is unique and original. Search engines love blogs because search engines like to find new and quality content. The key to success in blogging is to update and post quality content regularly. And don't forget to moneytize your blog by putting ads like for example AdSense. Note: This is not easy money, you have to work on it. But the the fruits of your labor is well worth it in the end.

Quick and easy steps:

  1. Find a subject matter or a niche.
  2. Create an account on blogger or wordpress or any blogging platform.
  3. Create an account in adsense or bidvertiser or any ad formats you can find and put the ad links in your blog to monetize it.
  4. Write quality and original content.
  5. If you haven't any clue about writing, buy PLR (Private Label Rights) articles about your subject and post it in your blogs. (IMPORTANT: Just make sure to re-write and spin the article to make it your original content. Be very careful about this or big brother google will ban you in their listing.)
  6. Update your blog regularly.
  7. Blog linking or networking to make your blog popular to search engines.
  8. Submitting your blog to blogging directories.

For detailed explanation of each steps. Please click here!

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