Blogger BlogNet79880

Newbie Internet Marketer - How To Make Money With A Blog

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Blogs are for more than talking about what's on your mind They are also great way to make some quick scratch. Here are a couple of ways you can use your blog to make some bucks!

  1. Link your blog to your sales site, or landing page so people visiting your blog can also visit your other site.
  2. Put Google adsense on your blog. People visiting your blog can visit those links, and Google pays you!
  3. Write articles. Link your articles on your blog to your items you want to sell.
  4. Link your blog to all your related items. This will also help your overall ranking on all your sites, as the search engines like linking, seeing relevant links as proof that your site is valid.

How's this for creating something cool...write articles that link to your blog, that link to your sales site...then write a blog post about the article for those who maybe come to your post and not seen the article. You see how you can create multiple ways to get exposure to your content? Then add on an opt-in for email...a way you can now start to reach people over and over!

The more you add valuable information to your blog, the more people will be relaxed about buying from you. If you create your blog in a way that provides value to the reader, then you will essentially be seen as an expert. And people listen to what experts have to say. Create that value, and the links on your blog will work for them selves.

Remember, create relevant content, have the resources for people to access, and they will readily buy from you.

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